Saturday, May 21, 2011

Back Again

So I am not a women of my word, it has been a long, long, time since I last posted. I am feeling a bit guilty. But, alas life goes on... and on.. and then the dreaded darkness! Just kidding a little morbid humor for you. I will try to redeem myself so I hope this poem blows you away. Here goes.......

Alone with my loneliness (thoughts)

I asked for a moment just one second of peace
in answer my brain screamed at me!
Why seek you rest when I seek to speak?
Constant thoughts run, trample, and play
in my head all day
I asked quiet to hold them at bay
But quiet refused to answer  me
So instead I SCREAMED
Let me be!
with my lone-li-ness
let me touch the rest of a easy mind
let me caress the sanity of blankness
let me stare at nothing and be content
let me be free from the stress of thinking
And in reply, I got for my gift: No, I think not,  not I, for my purpose is not to leave you alone
My purpose is to make you contemplate
each breath you take
I'll remind you that you are, you are

---Jamie Hoffman